Weekly News: Oct. 3-6
We are learning…
The children have been working SO hard this week!
We began to focus on name recognition. The children
completed various activities to help them not only be able to recognize their full first name, but also to begin identifying the letters within their name.
To aid the children in learning about measurements and comparisons, we broke into small groups and made modeling clay this week! This activity gave children hands on experience with measuring cups, measuring spoons, and mixing the proper amounts and ingredients to create the perfect modeling clay! We will be doing an activity with this clay next week in the art center!
Parent Survey due back by Thursday, Oct. 13
Scholastic book orders are due next Thursday, Oct. 13
Monday, Oct. 17 is a LATE START Monday!
Health Appraisals are due NO LATER than Wednesday, Oct. 19
Wednesday was such a beautiful day that we decided to have a little fun outside before rest time. The children ate popsicles, played a game, and enjoyed making it rain leaves!